IDS_INSTALL_OPTION2=Search a specific folder for prior installation.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_PS_FILTERS_EFFECTS_STATUS=Decompressing Photoshop Filters and Effects. . .
IDS_SERIALNUMBERREQ=Please fill in the 'Serial Number' field.
IDS_SETUPTITLE=Adobe Illustrator 9.0 Tryout Setup
IDS_STARTCOPYTEXT=Setup has enough information to start copying files.\nIf you want to review or change any settings, click Back.\nIf you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files.
IDS_MULTILANGUAGE_MSG1=Choose the language you want to install.
IDS_SUCCESS_MSG=Adobe Illustrator 9.0 Tryout installation was successful.\n
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_TOOLS_DESC=Plug-ins that add icons to the tool palette.
IDS_COMP_TUTORIALFILES_DESC=This installs the Tutorial files.
ERROR_NO_ADMIN=You must have administrator privileges to run this setup. Log on as an administrator or contact your system administrator. Setup will now quit.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ILLUS=Illustrator Plug-ins
IDS_INI_IDSERRORMSG=Setup is unable to load string identifier %s.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_TEXTFILEFMTS_DESC=Plug-ins that allow import/export of various file formats that are primarily text-oriented, such as word-processing formats.
IDS_COMP_AWE=Adobe Online
IDS_COMP_COLOR_SETTINGS_STATUS=Decompressing Color Settings. . .
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_TSUME_DESC=This component consists of the Tsume plugin.
IDS_COMP_HELP_DESC=Online help data files.
IDS_REMINDER_MSG=Thank you for choosing Adobe Illustrator.\n\nPlease register your product by launching the registration application in the Adobe Illustrator Start Menu.
IDS_NOTENOUGH_SPACE=The available space on destination disk drive (%s) is not enough for this installation.\nThis installation requires %ld MBytes of free disk space on this drive.
IDS_SETUPTYPE=Type of Installation:
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ILLUSFILEFMTS_DESC=Standard set of plug-ins that allow import/export of various file formats that are primarily path/vector-oriented.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_TEXTFILEFMTS_STATUS=Decompressing Additional Plug-ins - Text File Formats. . .
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_PHSFILTERS_DESC=Plug-ins that modify image-oriented data.
IDS_COMP_ICCPROFILES_DESC=Collection of color matching profiles for various monitors and printers to enable color matching via a color management system (CMS).
IDS_APP_NOT_FOUND=Verification Error: A qualifying product was not detected.\n\nPlease try again or cancel the installation.\n\nIf you have a valid copy of Adobe Illustrator that was not detected,\nplease call Adobe Customer Service for assistance.
IDS_FINISH_MSG1=Setup is complete. You may register your copy of %P \nelectronically from your computer at this time.
ERROR_NOADOBEISF=Setup is unable to load a necessary installation file. Setup will now quit.
IDS_CANCEL_INSTALL_MSG=Setup is not complete. If you quit now,\n%s will not be installed.\n\nYou may run Setup at a later time to complete the\ninstallation.\n\nDo you wish to quit installing %s?
ERROR_NOSUPPORT_OS=This operating system is not supported by this installation.\n\nSetup will now quit.
IDS_CREATE_SHORTCUTS=Creating Program Folder and Shortcuts. . .
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ILLUSFMTS_ADDL_DESC=Additional set of plug-ins that allow import or export of various path/vector-oriented file formats such as Corel, AutoCAD, Amiga IFF, CGM and WMF.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_TSUME_STATUS=Copying the Tsume plugin...
IDS_UPG_PRODUCT_OPTION1=Adobe Illustrator 8.0.1
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_PS_FILTERS_EFFECTS_DESC=Photoshop filters and effects plug-ins that show up in the Filter and Effect menus.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_FILE_FORMAT_STATUS=Decompressing File Format Plug-ins. . .
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ILLUSFMTS_ADDL=Additional Illustrator File Format Plug-ins
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_PHSEFFECTS_ADDL_DESC=Additional plug-ins that perform special effects on image-oriented data.
IDS_COMP_BRUSHES=Brush Libraries
IDS_COMP_CMAP_DESC=This component consists of CMap files required for CJK double-byte fonts.
IDS_COMP_STYLE_LIBRARIES_DESC=This component consists of various Style libraries.
IDS_CHECKING_HARD_DRIVES=Searching local hard drive(s) for prior installation. . .
IDS_MANUALBROWSE_MSG=Select folder where the product is installed.
IDS_COMP_KBD_SHORTCUTS_DESC=Alternate Keyboard Shortcuts than can be loaded through the Edit->Keyboard Shortcuts command. Includes Adobe Illustrator 6.0 shortcuts.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ILLUS_DESC=Illustrator plug-ins that show up in the Filter and Effect menus.
IDS_PATH_PREVIEW_IN=\Helpers\Preview In
IDS_COMPANYREQUIRED=Please fill in the 'Company' field.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
IDS_FIRSTLASTNAMEREQUIRED=Please fill in either the 'First Name' or 'Last (Family) Name' field.
IDS_EULA__DLG_TITLE=Software License Agreement
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ILLUSFILEFMTS_STATUS=Decompressing Illustrator File Format Plug-ins. . .
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_PHSEFFECTS_DESC=Standard set of plug-ins that perform special effects on image-oriented data.
IDS_COMP_SAMPLEFILES_DESC=This installs the Sample Files folder. This folder contains sample artwork, templates and graph samples.
IDS_COMP_UTILITYFILES_DESC=This installs the Utilities folder. This folder contains information about PostScript printers and the Riders plug-in.
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_ANIMATION_DESC=Plug-ins that add animation functions.
IDS_UPG_PRODUCT_OPTION2=Adobe Illustrator 8.0
IDS_UPG_PRODUCT_OPTION_MSG=Adobe Illustrator 9.0 upgrade installer requires proof of ownership of the following products.\n\nPlease select a product that you own.
IDS_GET_UPGRADE=Be sure to insert the upgrade CD before continuing.\n\nClick OK when you are ready.
IDS_COMP_LIBRARIES_DESC=Additional swatch libraries that can be loaded using the Windows->Libraries command. Includes libraries of fill patterns, gradients and path patterns.
IDS_UPG_PRODUCT_OPTION3=Adobe Illustrator 7.0.1
IDS_CHECKING_FOLDER=Searching in the selected folder. . .
IDS_UNLOCK_QUESTION=To proceed with this installation, call Adobe Customer Service and provide them with proof of ownership of %s, as well as the following number: %s\n\n\n\n\nEnter the unlocking code provided by Adobe Customer Service:
IDS_APPDESTTEXT=Destination Directory:
IDS_COMP_PLUGINS_EXTENSIONS_DESC=Plug-ins that add commonly used menu items, palettes, APIs and the ability to run old plug-ins and plug-ins from other products.